AWC(アートワーカーズ連合)アーカイブ展【Art Workers’ Coalition (AWC) Archive Exhibition.】

KAG 倉敷市阿知3丁目1-2
tel 086-441-8817
会期:2024年5月11日- 7月5日11:00-17:00



AWC の面々は、極めて短期間ではあったものの、美術館や企業のベトナム戦争への加担、美術館制度の特権性、労働者としてのアーティストの権利などに焦点を当て、さまざまな行動を起こしてきました。それらは現在にも通じる重要な問題提起を数多く含んでいますが、同時に、組織内部に人種差別、性差別が拭がたく含まれており、AWC は数年で活動を終了することになりました。

しかし当時「アートワーカー」を自称し、行動した人々がいたこと、そこでどのような問題が浮上し、未解決に終わり、そうした問いが引き継がれていったのかを検証することは、時間も空間も遠く隔たった2024 年の日本においても有効だと考えます。

2023 年 2 月、国内でも「アーティスツ・ユニオン」が結成され、今年 3 月には、ジュリア・ブライアン=ウィルソン氏による AWC の研究書『アートワーカーズ 制作と労働をめぐる芸術家たちの社会実践』(フィルムアート社、高橋沙也葉/長谷川新/松本理沙/武澤里映=訳)が翻訳出版されました。川上研究室もこれまで『アートワーカーズ』訳者の高橋沙也葉氏、大原社会問題研究所の藤原千沙氏を招聘し展覧会に向けたプレイベントを開催してきました。

本展は主に写真資料を中心に、AWC の活動を振り返るものです。現在の美術実践はもちろん、人種、性差、戦争をめぐる芸術と社会環境を考える上でも、本展が良き議論の場となることを願っています。

The anti-Vietnam War movement catalyzed political and social liberation movements in the USA during the 1960s and 1970s, addressing not only class issues such as workers’ strikes but also feminist, racial liberation, and gay liberation movements. Artists were profoundly influenced by these movements, leading to the establishment of the Art Workers Coalition (AWC) in 1969.

Artists perceived their involvement in art as ‘labor’ and actively opposed the prevailing social system, the perpetrators of war crimes, and the tyranny of capitalists that persisted after the Second World War. They also feared the extension of the Vietnam War into a Third World War. Subsequently, the New York Art Strike Against Racism, War, and Oppression emerged in 1970, originating from the AWC, running parallel to conceptual art, and confronting societal injustices within the art system.

Despite its short-lived existence, the AWC undertook various actions spotlighting the complicity of museums and corporations in the Vietnam War, the elitist nature of the museum system, and the rights of artists as workers. While raising pertinent issues that remain relevant today, the organization grappled with palpable racism and sexism, ultimately leading to its dissolution after a few years.

Nevertheless, even in Japan in 2024, distanced in both time and space, it is valuable to examine the individuals who identified as ‘art workers’ and their actions during that era, exploring unresolved issues and how these questions have been passed down.

In February 2023, the Artists’ Union was established in Japan, followed by the publication of Julia Bryan-Wilson’s research book on the AWC, titled Art Workers: Social Practices of Artists on Production and Labor (Filmartsha), translated by Sayaha Takahashi, Arata Hasegawa, Risa Matsumoto, and Rie Takezawa. The Kawakami Lab has also arranged a pre-event for the exhibition, featuring Sayaha Takahashi, the translator of Art Workers, and Chisa Fujiwara from the Ohara Institute of Social Problems.

This exhibition revisits the AWC’s activities primarily through photographic documentation, aiming to foster discussions not only on contemporary art practices but also on the intersection of art and the social environment concerning race, gender, and war.